Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Butterfinger Banana Cupcakes w/Salted Caramel

Why not put Butterfingers in a cake? Peanut Butter Banana & chocolate always goes well together, right?

Plus, I had made this recipe a few years ago as a cake for a friend's birthday...and since I was at their house in Seattle, I figured it was a good time to bring it back!

This is the newer, better, prettier version of this recipe and of course my own salted caramel frosting drizzled with salted caramel & topped with crushed Butterfingers. I class-ed it up a bit, made it a little prettier:)

This cake recipe really is awesome! The bananas add a nice texture to the cake, making it dense, but still keeping it moist. If you make this, be careful to chop the candy bars well & make sure they are fully mixed into the batter. If you do not, you will get weird spots while baking - and since you want an even texture, so the cake doesn't have odd crunchy spots, this is pretty important!

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