Thursday, June 23, 2011

Cheetos cookie, anyone?!

my compost cookie
Cheetos Cookie Junk in the Trunk Cookie (thank you, Leanna!)

Last week, someone at work brought in cookies from Milk Bar. Tons of weird, yet cool flavors. I loved the chocolate cookie, the corn cookie & the compost cookie. Of course I had to look for the recipe. I found something that looked like it could work here.

The Compost Cookie, which makes me laugh - because it is registered by Milk Bar, was what I was dying to bake! Why you ask? Because you get to throw in whatever stuff you want! Sweet & salty!

I asked a couple people what they thought I should put in these cookies...and Jeff (@jeffwunderwood) said Cheetos. Of course he did! Well, while I didn't want to possibly ruin the entire batch of cookies by adding Cheetos, I thought coating the dough in crushed Cheetos would suffice. 

So, with the recipe given, I decided to add 1/2 C of each of the following - crushed potato chips, crushed pretzels, coffee grounds (needed more), chocolate chips, Reeses Pieces, toffee bits...and I think that was it?! Ha...anyhow, YUM. They turned out pretty darn good. I did eat a little bit of one of these...

Cheeto rolled cookies
Then, the cookies rolled in crushed Cheetos! Hilarious. Who knew that Cheetos would act as insulation preventing the cookie from spreading like the non-Cheeto'ed cookies. Funny...

Tips to making these, even though I have not yet perfected the recipe & method.

- scoop dough & then chill for a full day
- add a lot of crushed stuff, but mix in by hand if possible
- only bake 6 at a time
- add at least 1 weird ingredient - be fun

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